Saturday, June 13, 2020

On Saturdays, We Knit Blocks

As far as I know, "On Wednesdays, we wear pink," but there is no such rule for knitting...or for Saturdays. So this morning, before my house woke up fully, I got back to my latest project. 

I made knitted blocks for Peanut and Sweet Pea some time ago, and they were a big hit!

When I put them together (fall 2015) it must have been the season of Alphabets, because I also knit ABC mittens for Peanut that year!

But, I digress. Back to the blocks I am knitting for my soon-to-be newest speller! I mean, he is not a speller yet...first talking, then spelling! But there is no harm in providing the tools early, and I am working on it...

As a bonus, if you toss these blocks, nobody gets hurt. This is good, because toddlers love to throw things! They also love ice cream!

And visits from cousins!

This Pretty Knitty Gramma loves to see the three of them together, and is anxious to see FOUR of them together next summer (or before), because my dear Dollface and her hubby will be welcoming a new addition before the end of 2020! While I wait, no matter what happens in the world, you can rest assured that there will be knitting in my house. And in my car. And in my office...pretty much anywhere you find me, there will be knitting, for sure!

Now it's time for me to get back to my full house. Only a couple more days of granddaughters under my roof, and I don't want to miss any of it! I hope that you are finding joy in your house today. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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