Saturday, June 27, 2020

Sorry Cat, I'm Not a Mind Reader

Last Saturday, I posted about what I think my cats think. I should have had a net, because they told me this week that I was way over the line, and I would have plunged to my death had I been walking a tightrope! While I am not exactly sure what I wrote that got them so upset, I certainly recognize their I offered them the opportunity to blog today to make it up. I apologized, and I asked them to help me understand.

They turned me down. 

"If you don't know what you said to offend us, we are certainly NOT going to tell you!"

Well, that strikes a familiar chord. I remember pulling a similar line on my husband as a very young wife. A couple of decades into my marriage, I found a workaround. It is not very romantic, but it is cheaper than divorce and much less stressful than stuffing my feelings. I told him what I wanted. I told him how he could be most helpful to me.

"Honey, I have had a hard day. I need a hug, and I want to melt into your arms and mess up your shirt with tears and say lots of things. What I need from you, please, is to just put your arms around me and say, 'There, there. It's gonna be ok,' until I am finished."

Weird, right? I know. Very weird. But you know what happened in that moment? My husband gave me exactly what I needed. We did not talk about different ways I could see the situation, or how to fix the problem with a new rule in my life, and I felt loved. There was still a problem to solve, of course, but now we were on the same page...he was not confused about what I wanted, and it was something he could give. 

Since that time, I have learned much about getting along with others. First and foremost, I've learned that my interpretation of any given experience is almost certainly different than yours, and there is nothing I can do to change that. Oh, there may be similarities...but even if we live through the exact same moment in time together, our interpretation of how our needs are met (or not met) in that moment will be tinged by our expectations, our previous experiences and our current state of being (who we are at heart). This is true whether you are a spouse, a friend, a total stranger or the cat.

Second, we cannot work well together if we do not communicate, because I cannot know your interpretation, experience and expectation unless you tell me. Loving conversation is the best way to give and receive direction, and direction is what most of us are looking for when we try to solve a problem. Without that give and take, without knowing the why behind the word or deed, almost anything can become offensive to somebody, somewhere. 

Engaging directly in the give and take of loving conversation helps us manage expectations on both sides, which keeps us from injuring one another (and being injured) and engages us to work together in fixing what needs to be fixed. I never wish to offend...not even the cats. I just want us all to learn to get along to solve problems together, and I cannot achieve that on my own. Let's have a loving conversation and work this thing out, maybe over a couple of kitty treats? In the grand scheme of things, isn't that better?

Wherever you are, and whoever you are with, please remember that none of us are mind readers. Please use kind words to engage in loving conversation so we can all do better at getting along with one another...and with the cats. Now, it's time for me to get back to the knitting. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

What My Cats Think (I think)

There has been a lot of unrest in our world lately, and my cats are quite annoyed by it. In fact, I considered putting a warning on this post, "Rated MA for language and bad attitudes." Instead, I just guessed at their thoughts, rather than translating literally. 

My cats think there should be less dog in the living room:

And more cat in the window:

There should be fewer sticky-faced kids:

Notasmuch people playing outside:

And less photopropping the cats:

But way more cat snuggled in close for a nap: 

Of course, the cats don't have grandchildren, so they cannot understand the pure joy that that keeps us from sitting on the couch all day, every know, joy like leaving the house to go to the park with a little cutie:

And hanging out with a couple of cousins:

And playing at the (finally open) playground:

And having all three cousins together!!!
So far, there are three...stay tuned.
Yes, the cats' world has been quite shaken up in the last couple weeks of visits, but they are doing alright. I think White Cat has finally decided that as long as she can sit in the window in relative peace, it's okay if a sticky-faced kid joins her from time to time.* 

Black Cat is not quite there yet, but I guess you could say that they are coming around. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

*Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.
--Romans 12:18 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

On Saturdays, We Knit Blocks

As far as I know, "On Wednesdays, we wear pink," but there is no such rule for knitting...or for Saturdays. So this morning, before my house woke up fully, I got back to my latest project. 

I made knitted blocks for Peanut and Sweet Pea some time ago, and they were a big hit!

When I put them together (fall 2015) it must have been the season of Alphabets, because I also knit ABC mittens for Peanut that year!

But, I digress. Back to the blocks I am knitting for my soon-to-be newest speller! I mean, he is not a speller yet...first talking, then spelling! But there is no harm in providing the tools early, and I am working on it...

As a bonus, if you toss these blocks, nobody gets hurt. This is good, because toddlers love to throw things! They also love ice cream!

And visits from cousins!

This Pretty Knitty Gramma loves to see the three of them together, and is anxious to see FOUR of them together next summer (or before), because my dear Dollface and her hubby will be welcoming a new addition before the end of 2020! While I wait, no matter what happens in the world, you can rest assured that there will be knitting in my house. And in my car. And in my office...pretty much anywhere you find me, there will be knitting, for sure!

Now it's time for me to get back to my full house. Only a couple more days of granddaughters under my roof, and I don't want to miss any of it! I hope that you are finding joy in your house today. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Choose Love

Well, this has been quite a few weeks, has it not? I have not said much about the most recent tragic events in our nation. I  have said a bit about my experience during the pandemic, and I have spoken to friends about masks and quarantine and going (or not going) to the store....but the rest of it has been so overwhelming to me. I have chosen to step back, post less and knit more for now.

I believe that the kindest reaction is usually "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,"* and sometimes I succeed at this. Sometimes I do not, because I am human, and I am always sorry when I say or do something careless in my haste. If I have, or if I ever do say something in haste, something careless that hurts your feelings because of my own ignorance...well, I hope that you will let me know so I can apologize and learn from my mistakes.

My motivation is usually love. Why? Because when the Pharisees asked Jesus, "What is the greatest commandment?,"
Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."**

Since I started following Jesus, I have found that I love others best when I think before I speak and act, and when I choose my words carefully. Is it true? Is it loving? Is it helpful? Is it necessary? 

This week, on social media, I have watched some friends share posts without fact-checking. I have seen thoughtful response posts aimed at raising awareness. There has been encouragement to use a certain hashtag, then to use an alternative hashtag, and finally caution about either of the hashtags. The only right thing for me to do is to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

In response to my "How're ya doin'?" yesterday, a friend texted her frustration that bad seems to be winning...which breaks my heart, but I totally see where she's coming from. Bad looks like it is winning, in so many arenas lately. 

Our world is broken in so many ways.

But God sees. God hears. God is not silent nor absent. He is letting the world see what happens when whole societies turn their backs on his love. He is waiting for us to see it.
"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

The only solution I see is that Greatest Commandment. Love God. Love others. I mean really love others. Do not pass quick judgement. Extend grace, even when others do not. Check the facts on a story before you post it...before you like it...before you share it...before you say or write angry words about it. Listen carefully. Take a breath and think about it. Consider what it would look like if you were the one at the center of it. Only then, if you have something you absolutely have to say, say it as gently as you can. Change starts when we all learn to love well.

One more note: Loving your neighbor is a peaceful thing to do. Loving one another never involves rioting or the destruction of property or people. Love and justified anger (let's face it, there is much to be angry about) can coexist in this broken world, as long as anger is not permitted to destroy it.

Anger expressed incorrectly tears down quickly. Love builds up. Choose love.

Thanks for stopping by. Knit in Good Health and share the love.

*James 1:19
**Matthew 22:37-40