Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy Feet?

Forget the Christmas Shoes. I find that I do not really enjoy songs that make me cry at Christmas. After all, I can find those in abundance anytime I like. 

Here is where I say that sometimes I get sad and I need a good cry. At these times, I find sappy hallmark movies or country songs, and I just cry it out so I can go on. But, who wants to cry at Christmas-time? Not me.

I would rather find the joy and share it where I can. If joy is scarce, which it is sometimes, I know I will always be able to find some in my sock drawer! Even on a down day, in the midst of grief or the stress the approaching holiday can provide in abundance, I can always just take out my hand-knit, Christmas socks and smile.

There are sparkly pairs, knit in that yarn I found in the small shop at French Creek! I thought it might be itchy, and maybe it is a tiny bit itchy, but I could not say 'no' to some holiday twinkle toes!

And the fun stripes! Do you see those...the ones that are a bit more than the traditional red-and-green? Such fun color names on those pairs...I think they are Christmas Island (reminescent of the Island of Misfit Toys from the Rudolph clay-mation fame) and Jollyville! Oh, the fun we all had ordering from Simply Socks at our Christmas Knitting Party that year...and now several of us have matching Christmas socks!

Remember the year I knit socks for everyone in the family? Like 7 pair, in the same, stripey yarn from Knit Picks? Oh, that was a fun year...and those were super fun to knit. Sweetie still has his, too, so sometimes our feet match, but not usually outside the house. His feet are much more distinguished than!

And Ralphie's House is hiding over there in the corner too...I sure do love what Jeanne does with Destination Yarn colors, and every time I wear these I can see the leg-lamp, the bunny PJs, the Bumpus dogs and the dad who "worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay." Yes, these were fast favorites in my Christmas sock rotation as soon as they were off the needles!

As a matter of fact, the only thing that does not make me smile about my Christmas socks and their memories is January...which always comes. In January, all the Christmas socks get a final wash, then they go back into the drawer until the end of November. But for now, it is all Christmas, all the time...including the socks, so Yay!

In January I will go back to my other fun, hand-knit socks, some with fun names...and I will start my January sweater. I am pretty excited to be knitting in a cashmere blend for 2020...but that is for another post. Be sure to tune in next week to see all the Christmas knitting, and then in January to see where we go from here! 2019 has been quite a year, has it not?

Thanks for stopping by! Remember to be on the lookout for joy, and Knit in Good Health!

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