Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pray For Me?

I'm ba-aack! I hope you think that is a good thing, because I missed blogging last busy! Busy is not always a bad does make the time fly by! But busy with no room to breathe is dangerous if you keep at it for too many days in a row. This week, I have deliberately napped, watched some television, and done some knitting I had seriously neglected last week!

Last week was full, as our church prepared to move Sunday service from a very small building (where we needed 3 services to accommodate our congregation)... a temporary location that can fit us all into one service! This is a great thing, as it gives us room to grow, and to reach more of God's lost kids, but the work and planning to transform a school gym/auditorium into "church" for a day is so very busy! There are chairs, and screens, speakers and projectors, computers and people to organize so that everything is just right.

Then add a few hundred people, and boom! Church!

(Sweaty church for some of us. There was much activity before the worship service started, and I may or may not have said a prayer of thanks that my deodorant was least we were in a gym!)

To add to the busy of last week end (set-up on Friday, first off-site church on Sunday), I was part of a team planning and executing a women's workshop on Saturday. This group, I think, did a tremendous job! Women of God were encouraged, and there were even a few laughs, so Go Team!

After all of that, I was tired, to say the least! There may have been several hours of napping, instead of watching football... But I was fortified this week with snuggles from this cutie, so I am right as rain again.

Now that things are settled (a little bit, at least) there has been time to reflect on the past two weeks. I have done some things really well...and I have given less than my best to others. Isn't that always the way? One might think that 51 years into this game I would have figured out how to straighten up and fly right all over the place. On some fronts, yes. All the yes. But there are still so many areas where I struggle, so please pray for me friends, as I head into this next season.

Pray for balance. Work, church, home, family. Pray that I can prioritize these correctly. I struggle here, because the instant results of easy jobs make me feel good, and I sometimes avoid the hard work of relationship, so please pray for balance.

Pray for wisdom. So many choices. So many things to knit. So many good things to do! But only so many hours in any given day. Please pray again here for my priorities, and that I would make wise choices that benefit not only Pretty, but those around her as well.

Pray for my heart. I have been feeling a bit beat up by my circumstances this week. I am not sure how much of that feeling is from actually being "hard pressed on every side" (2 Cor 4:8) and how much is simply my skewed perception of certain situations, but my heart feels a bit bruised and battered. Thankfully I am not crushed or destroyed...but some days it is difficult to find my joy. Please pray that my heart will continue to sing, because if God is for me, who can be against me? (Rom 8:31)

How can I pray for you today, friends? After all, this is a two-way street, and doing life together involves back-scratching! If you feel comfortable, leave a comment, and I will pray for your concern. I have already prayed for all of you today, as I typically do. I have prayed that your day would be good. I have thanked God that you have popped into my life. I have prayed that your heart would be encouraged, that your body would be healthy and your mind sound.

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the prayers! If you knit, and even if you don't, you know what comes next:

Knit in Good Health!

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