Friday, April 17, 2009


Before a couple weeks ago, I would not have even known caning was and acceptable pastime in my country! While compiling items for the contest, I decided to do some research and playtime with the Polymer Clay! Rather than a harsh punishment, I learned that caning is a clay technique. You use tubes, or other long shapes of clay, wrapped with another color (or two, or three. . .), then you make the starting “cane” skinnier by rolling and squeezing and gently pulling. When you slice the finished cane, you get flat pieces that are almost identical, and they can have a design or a pattern in the center of the shape. These pieces can be pierced to create beads or buttons, or whatever you want, before the clay is baked. Pretty cool, huh! But you all probably already knew all about it.

Well, I was so intrigued that I had to try it. Here’s a shot of some of the beads from my first cane ever!

Pretty cool, I thought. So, perhaps I can see a contest prize as part of the fruits of my playtime?!? Stay tuned for contest details in the next post. . .

In the meantime, I have finished knitting a pair of socks,
and a baby sweater,
and my daughter and I found her a pretty nice prom dress AND shoes to match! Life is good! Off I go to knit on another sock – big surprise, right? Haha!

May you all read and write and knit and craft in good health. See you in the funny papers!


  1. OMG those are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool! They came out so awesome!!! Is there anything you can't do once you think of it!? OK I'll probably have to buy a set of those!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!! (and no Ken wasn't here-I am shouting!)

    Glad you guys found a dress!!! can't wait to hear about it!

  2. wow Those beads are really cool! And the socks.. Beautiful!

    Thankyou for all of your kind recent comments on my blog. :)

  3. I love the beads. I don't know how caning works, but it totally blows my mind. And I can't believe that's your first attempt. Please tell me you're lying and you have a pile of smooshed clay that was really your first attempt.

    That baby sweater is precious - it looks like an old man sweater for a baby! So cute.

  4. Those beads are the cutest! Will you have stitch marker? lol..

    The sweater is the cutiest. What pattern did you use? Would be adorable for my little man..

    Your socks are beautiful!

    You sure have a ton of talents!


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