Saturday, October 7, 2017

People and Cats

Sooo, it's been awhile, and the cats have been begging me to let them blog again. I never really know how this is going to go, hence this disclaimer...

The following are not necessarily the opinions of the blogger, but those of her feline companions. If you disagree, please do not leave rude comments. Rather, remember that these are cats, and cats are...well, cats! In any case, if you have opposable thumbs, please thank your lucky stars and be kind. Thank you.

Black Cat: Are you insinuating that we are rude?

White Cat: Insinuating? C'mon...she just pretty much said it outright...

Black Cat: We are not that bad...

White Cat: No, we are not. People are stupid.

Black Cat: No! No! People pet us! They are good!

White Cat: Stupid, stupid, stupid! Haven't you seen the news? Stupid stupid-heads!

Black Cat: Ummmm, I do not really watch news? I mean, that stupid-box is always saying something, but it's not like that's "news," right?!?

White Cat (smacks forehead with front paw): Mroowwww! You, my feline friend, are a meow-ron. You might as well be a people!

Black Cat: Thanks. Why are they so stupid?

White Cat: Nobody knows, but they are. They are only good for filling the food bowl and scooping our poop. Hahahahaha!!! They clean up our poop! Stupids!

Black Cat: They are good for petting us, too. Remember what the pretty one did yesterday? She petted my head so made me purrrrrrrrr!

White Cat: Well, they are good for that...

Black Cat: They are. And the yarns! I loves the yarns!

White Cat: The yarns are not ours. She yells when we play with the yarns.

Black Cat: Yes, but they are still fun! We would not have fun yarns without the Pretty!

White Cat: Word.

Black Cat: Are they still stupid?

White Cat: Yes. But if they have yarn, I guess we can keep them.

Black Cat (sighs contentedly): I am glad we can keep our peoples.

White Cat: Yes, but when these peoples are "gone," we will not get another

Black Cat: Word.

Well, that was...ummmm...interesting. I guess they have a point. Looking around, people do some stupid and senseless things. From this day forward, will you join with me in doing our best to make this world a kinder, gentler place?  It is true that one person cannot change the whole world, but if you can make the world better for one person today, you will have accomplished a great thing. Please be kind and love one another.

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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