Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I think I have a little touch of what I like to refer to as "Adult-Onset Knitting ADD." Or it's possible that I am Queen-of-Run-on-Sentences-in-My-Brain. I really don't know exactly why, but I just want to cast on ALL THE THINGS, and I just want to knit on ALL THE THINGS...but I just can't seem to stay that ADD? You know, like when I'm knitting a scarf,...

...and I end up deciding to just rip it out the next day and try another know, the one I was going to knit if I hadn't gotten distracted by the one I just started...because (well, it's no secret) I am easily distracted. Or maybe I could better describe it by mentioning the sweater that I should be knitting for my son,...

...if I weren't distracted by the one I am knitting for ME! You know, the one where I had to rip out the hem and add 30 more rows, and as I was knitting sleeve two (pictured below) I realized that I really, really should rip out sleeve one and redo it a little less snug.

Or maybe it's like the spinning. You know, the spinning that I started just before I broke my fingers...that I could not spin with a cast, and could barely spin with the brace...?

Oh!, and did I mention that it is SHINY???

This will be my first traditional three-ply, and I am pretty excited! Well, except that I just cast on a pair of socks...

Socks, and I ended up giving away my scarf, so I need to cast on another.
And I lost my favorite mittens, the ones I've been wearing non-stop all vortex I need to cast on another pair of mittens.
And I have yarn all queued up for more hexipuffs.
And the afghan OTN.
SQUIRREL!!! (Or should I say beaver? CKW gals, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout!)

Anyway, what was I talking about? Yeah, I don't remember either. Have you seen my knitting bag anywhere? I think I need to knit...or spin...or something! :)

I hope your thoughts are less scattered than mine these days, and I hope you are not buried under this stuff like we are...again! But, then again, it is winter here. I guess it is what it is!

Stay warm, my friends, and Knit in Good Health!


  1. Knitting and Snow sure seem to go together this year! Pam I love seeing all your projects..

  2. Thank you for letting me know I am not alone or the only one ;)
    Stay safe and warm!

  3. I'm most like that when I'm trying to figure out what to knit next: so many plans, so much yarn, so much dithering re what to do next. Except when there's a clear deadline and person something needs to go to (unless I don't have a clue what color.)
