Saturday, March 22, 2025

Speechless Springtime Saturday


...and a bounty of boisterous boys!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Bunny, bunny, bunny, duck!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Time to Get the Chicken!

Who remembers the "It's time to make the donuts" commercial? (Should I just say, who's over 50?) 

I hear that donut maker in my head every time it's time to do make dinner, decorate for a holiday or swap out the summer/winter items in our storage cubby in the garage...which it is nearly time to do, but not quite yet.

It has snowed on Mother's Day in Northeast Ohio... just sayin'.

What it IS time for this week is Easter decorating,  and I'm getting ready. I've started with some Yoshi eggs, before dots:

and after dots: 

They've turned out well, but they are a little big for my knick knack bowl at work (which is currently full of shamrocks and clover and candy):

So I'm also knitting covers for some smaller, speckled egg decorations, using leftover sock yarns. 

I've thought about writing up both patterns, but there's nothing particularly clever about them. Well, I take that back...the Yoshi eggs open to be stuffed! 

You know what else it's time for? It's time to take out the Easter chicken! 

I bought this as a centerpiece before I had a good table to display it on! Now that I do, I bring it out every year for the Easter season. (There are even treats inside!)

Is it time to do anything special in your house? Is love to hear about it! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

March On!

It is March. A couple weeks ago, we had a fairly deep freeze and significant snow...

Followed by some promise-of-spring weather,  where I knit outside on my lunch break, in nearly-60-Farenheit-degrees,

with sunshine on my shoulder and warm gusts of wind strumming background tunes on Ol' Glory, just above me. It was delightful!

Aaaaand now it's winter again, as we all knew it was bound to be, because it is March, which did not come in particularly like a lion or a lamb. Hot Cocoa season lasts a good long time in Ohio! 

So all bets are off for April, and that's ok. I've finished an afghan, 

and made good progress on my new sweater in mystery yarn, 

and I'm ready to March On! to spring holidays and birthdays, including mine! But first, let's turn those clocks forward tonight, in the US and in my state! 

Enjoy that extra daylight in the afternoon, and don't be late for church tomorrow! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

I Can't Count

Well, I WILL count, but I won't be very good at it. If knitting and crochet have taught me anything, it is that I can't count consistently. I am 57 years old, I have successfully navigated 13 years of public school and 2 years of college, and I'm no slouch at math. But yarn apparently brings me to my counting knees. My latest example is this lovely crochet afghan...

I'm working on this as a gift for an educator, which is a really fun idea I found online! It will look like a sheet of notebook paper, and I hope to also embroider a note on one side before the end of the school year. Super-cute idea, right? But, if you start with 132 stitches and some math for the proper ratio to match an 8½' x 11' sheet of paper, then notice later that you only have 121 stitches, well panic sets in! 

Not for you? Well, how nice for you.

Let me tell you that panic set in for me on Thursday, and I counted, and I counted, and I counted those stitches some more as I sat there with my friends. I thought I saw the place where I had started to accidentally miss stitches about 12 rows back, so I figured I could add in stitches gradually to get back to 132. I took a deep breath, and I started to do just that. I added those stitches very confidently until it was time to go home.

Friday morning, with another 12 rows and about 8 stitches added back in, I counted again. This time, I used some removable stitch markers to help me keep track of smaller sections of stitches as I counted. Guess what I found? That's right...

One-Hundred Thirty-Nine stupid stitches! 

I sat there, and I counted, and I counted, and I counted again. As it turned out, my stitch count was only off by ONE back there, when I started adding stitches back gradually. Smack-My-Head, which I did repeatedly as I pulled back row after row of double crochet, balling up that yarn to work with again as I went. I spent all day yesterday, including my lunch hour (it was lovely, I sat Ohio...weird but lovely), trying to just work back to the place before I started ripping back...

By the end of the day, I was finally past that spot, and my stitch count was correct. I don't know what will happen this weekend exactly, but I do know that I will certainly mis-count something along the way. It is inevitable, because I just can't conquer crochet counting. Or maybe I covet counting calamities. Who knows? But when I put this yarn down, do you know what I won't do for you?

That's right. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit (and count) in Good Health!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The White Stuff

Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh🎶, the right stuff!

No-no-no...the "white" stuff! Because after I blogged last week, the white stuff came...and came, and came! 

We had tickets to a show downtown, so we did not snuggle up and knit all day. We got on a bus at the YMCA, and headed out in a blizzard to see the most depressing musical I've ever seen, Parade. LOL...

See those smiles? We didn't really know what we were there to see yet, and we were happy to travel with a pleasant bunch of seniors to lunch and a show...especially since we had a professional driver through the snow.

Spoiler Alert:
Parade is the story of a Jewish man wrongly accused of murdering a young teenager. Despite the writeup of how hopeful and artistic this revived musical recounts the tale of love and devotion between the main characters (which it does) the story does not end well for Leo Frank. It was very well done, but it was also a hard watch. 

When we got home, I hunkered down with my needles and took advantage of the snow as a photo prop for the first shock of a pair!

The winter weather has continued this week, and by the time this weekend rolled around, there was fresh powder on the giant snow pile plowed from our neighborhood streets and driveways. It was the perfect opportunity for little (and big) boys to climb and play!

And yesterday, I started a new project, which is always a lift! Just like the weather, this afghan will be mostly white. 

It'll be awhile until it is impressive to look at, but I've finished the pink socks, 

and the afghan was the next thing on my list...well, after the shamrocks and clover (St Patrick's Day is coming)!

There hasn't been much yarnwork today, since this crew has been "in the house" overnight, so I'll sign off here. 

Thumbs down to no knitting!
Thumbs up to pancakes!
Naptime is nearly over, and playtime is just around the corner!

Thanks for stopping by and Knit in Good Health!

Sledding vid here, just for funsies!