Saturday, March 8, 2025

March On!

It is March. A couple weeks ago, we had a fairly deep freeze and significant snow...

Followed by some promise-of-spring weather,  where I knit outside on my lunch break, in nearly-60-Farenheit-degrees,

with sunshine on my shoulder and warm gusts of wind strumming background tunes on Ol' Glory, just above me. It was delightful!

Aaaaand now it's winter again, as we all knew it was bound to be, because it is March, which did not come in particularly like a lion or a lamb. Hot Cocoa season lasts a good long time in Ohio! 

So all bets are off for April, and that's ok. I've finished an afghan, 

and made good progress on my new sweater in mystery yarn, 

and I'm ready to March On! to spring holidays and birthdays, including mine! But first, let's turn those clocks forward tonight, in the US and in my state! 

Enjoy that extra daylight in the afternoon, and don't be late for church tomorrow! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 


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