Saturday, September 12, 2020

Gnervous Gnomes and a Contest!

Gnickita: Psst! Gnicki! What's that?

Gnicki: I'm not sure...but it looks like it could be a gnome?

Gnickita: It doesn't have a beard.

Gnicki: Well, you didn't have a beard until I gnit you one...

Gnickita: Are you gnitting another gnome?

Gnicki: Gno.

Pretty: Hey Gnicki and Gnickita! Did you see the Summer Shandy I just finished?

Gnicki and Gnickita: What???

Pretty: Come outside with me for more photos! It turned out really well!

Gnicki, Gnickita and Gnome Gnumber...who gnows???: Wow!

Gnicki and Gnickita (suddenly scrambling as they notice the other gnome, now finished):  Aaaaah!!! Who are you???

Gnome Gnumber...who gnows???: I'm not sure...I just got my beard this morning. I don't even think I have a proper gname yet.

Gnicki and Gnickita (tentatively): Ummm, what?

Gnome Gnumber...who gnows???: Gnope. Gno gname. What gnow?

(moving closer): Well, you look like you are dressed for fall, maybe Halloween even.

Gnickita (less tentative than before): Hmmm. Maybe we should ask the readers.

Pretty: Gnickita, you are so smart!

Well readers, what should we name "Gnome Gnumber...who gnows???"

If you have a thought, pop it in the comments. If I get more than 10 responses, I'll pick a winner and send you a small prize, and we can give this one a proper Gnome ID! What do you think this one should be called?

Thanks for playing, and I'll see you all again next week, perhaps with a new name for that Halloween Gnome. 

Until then, Knit in Good Health...and enjoy the wonderful weather whenever it shows up!

He has a low tolerance for selfies. I get one shot. 
But I love him, and I am thankful for that one.


  1. I think the gnew gnome's gname is Gnoblin!

    1. Mary, it looks like you are the winner! Big announcement tomorrow, because there were, ya know, so many entries! Lol! Anyhoo, send me your address at prettyknittyjewelry (a)t yahoo (dot) com, and I will send you something fun for a prize! Thanks for playing!!!

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