Saturday, August 8, 2015

Claiming Hippie Status

This week has sure been busy, and this post is going live just a little late today. Where has the time gone? Let's take a look...
Sunday evening - Check into hospital for hip replacement,
and work on some pre-op knitting before bed. 
Monday morning - IV in, prepped for hip replacement surgery.
Monday afternoon - post-op knitting. Stuck in bed...and...ouch. 
Monday evening - FINALLY in the chair! So happy! And...ouch.
Tuesday - get well carnation from Dr. Stanfield! Nice touch.
A little less ouch, and I get to shower!
Also, knitting & napping, physical therapy...and...ouch.
Wednesday morning - IV and catheter out, AND a shower!
More physical therapy, and more knitting & napping.
Wednesday afternoon - HOME!!! I guess White Cat missed me... 
Wednesday evening - post-op knitting DONE!
Thursday - I guess BOTH cats missed me!
Black Cat: I didn't miss you. Did you bring me anything?
Friday - post-post-op knitting finished!
Saturday - post-post-post-op hat cast on
Between all the sitting, knitting & napping, there's been quite a bit of physical therapy, exercise on my own, visiting with friends, and lifting my leg. 0_o It's been a busy week indeed!

All in all, I am glad to have the surgery done and over. Even though I am in considerable pain more often that I want to be, I'm feeling strong, and I have quite a bit of energy! Met a great group of people in my surgery group at the hospital, and I had great nurses, therapists and other caregivers. If it wasn't for the pain (and waking up every two hours for a vitals check, around the clock), my hospital stay was almost like a vacation!

I'm still doing a bit of napping and a lot of knitting as I recover, but I thought I'd pop over to say hello to Blogland and officially claim my Hippie Status, now that I have a new, shiny, left hip! 

Hello! I'm a Hippie...a pretty knitty Hippie...with a new hip! lol!

Surgery didn't cure me of the silly, I guess. I'll call that a good thing. :) 

I may or may not be on the computer a little less than usual, but I'm still here, and I am well. I hope that you are also! Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad that everything went smoothly! Hope the ouchies get less and less every day.


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