In preparation for last weekend's Woolapalooza, I went back to read my recap post from 2013. I'm really glad I did that, because I had set a goal for myself last year and then completely forgotten about! Anyway, what I proposed last year was this,
"I think it will be my goal next year to get as many pictures with old and new friends as humanly possible! It'll be like an extra WIP (Work In Progress) for the next Palooza!"
Since I still thought it sounded like a good plan, off I set, ready for Selfie-palooza 2014.
Now, up until last Saturday, I hadn't taken many selfies. Well, I've taken a couple, but they've usually been so goofy that I just deleted them immediately. I don't have as many selfie skillz as I have knitting skillz...still, I gave it a shot! I took horizontal selfies...
...and vertical selfies.
There were shots that were off center...
...some that were heavy duty...
...and some that were simply angelic!
There were photos with new friends...
...and photos with young friends...
...and photos with friends that I wish I saw more often!
There was even one selfie that was faceless...just yarn that we were purchasing at the same time! (Sometimes, when friends are shy, you do what you have to do!)
In short (too late, I know), there were lots of selfies last Saturday! And, speaking of yarn, there was a bit of that too! There was yarn for a bulky sweater KAL...
...and yarn for socks and Barbie clothes...
...and yarn for two, count 'em TWO shawl knitalongs!
Most of us had our "three bags full" of yarn by the time we left. Heck! This photo was taken well before we were even close to leaving!
I think the CKW gals went just a little crazy at the Fiber!
On our feet for hours, we did sit down occasionally...
...finally stopping for some knitting time at the end of the day.
Eventually, a couple of hours later than usual (I think ours were nearly the last cars on the parking lawn this year), we finally headed home. Here's my haul, for the record:
Pictured above are a pink sweater; grey and blue, sport-weight, snow-shoveling socks with contrast for heels and toes; various Barbie clothes and regular socks; a Brickless KAL shawl; and several pair of Knit-Lights, light-up knitting needles. Why light-up needles? Well, why not!?!
What do you think? Did I do ok? Did we have enough fun? I think yes! Thanks for stopping by to check out the start to our summer knitting fun, and Knit in Good Health!
PS - I should be knitting in good health for several years with my current!
PPS - I'm wearing the Gemini I was hoping to wear last year, and I love it!