Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sox and photos. . .

Sooo, this post was going to be all about sox. . .safe sox, pictures of sox, hints about sox, and advice about sox. . .but then I got some better pictures (thank you, Connie!) of the Abalone.  So, here's the sweater:
And here's the detail of that front corner, which no longer puckers anywhere, because the rip and redo were successful:
Turns out that I love it, and I love the way it photographs!  Of course, I also love sox!  As a matter of fact, sox were my first knitting love some years ago, and I have now enabled another knitter to the world of the sock-obsessed:
Her Ravelry name is EternalSocks, because she never thought she would finish her first pair, but after these were finished this week, she exclaimed that she needs to always have socks on the needles!  Welcome to the Dark Side, EternalSocks. . .  I know that the slope to the sock-obsessed is slippery, but there's some wiggle room for other projects.  Still, I have two pair on the needles myself these days!  There are my Back Socks, in the color of Fruit Loops. . .
. . .and the Pretty Helen socks, in more neutral tones:
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle those toes!
Yes, those are my ugly toes. . .quick!  Look at another sweater picture!
Whew!  That's better!  I LOVE THIS SWEATER!  And I love knitting Sox, too!  Maybe there will be more sox in the next post, maybe not.  But, all in all it's been a great knitting week for me, and I hope that it has been a good one for you, too!

Thanks for stopping by, and until next time, Knit what you love in Good Health!


  1. I just LOVE how that sweater came out! It fits you perfectly!

  2. Love that sweater. Beautiful red.

  3. Love the sweater. Up with sweater knitting. Down with sock knitting!


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