I just looked back at my last post, and I noticed that I started out by saying that I didn't have much to blog about. I then followed up with a 47-mile-long blog post. Hmmm, interesting.
Apparently I have a lot to say.
Or, maybe I was trying so hard to not talk about the secret baby shower we were planning. . .

. . .and the "super-secret" crochet?Well, that wasn't such a secret to my Facebook friends, but it was a secret here and on Ravelry. . .
. . .we did not want the twins (or their mommy) to find out about these afghans before the Thursday party! So, while I was trying to keep my big mouth shut, I used a LOT of words on Wednesday!
But this post is different. I actually have a lot to blog about (and I am trying to bring the abridged version this time around). . .like the party, which was a big hit, and fun for all! Oh, and the boxes that the knitters all contributed to. . .there are three total (with some extra items I will send to Army Boy to share).On the inside, they are packed full of good things for some young men who are voluntarily serving their country by leaving it far behind for a year in the desert.
Thanks Ladies for your generosity! I am sure the boys will enjoy all of the candy and snacks and toys! I had fun just packing it all up!
You know what else I had fun doing? I actually made some headway on a pair of socks that I have been meaning to start for some time. . .yay! The pattern is the same as these socks I did a couple months ago (that I love), and the yarn is Knit Picks Stroll tonal, I think I love it (and I know I am going to love the socks)!
Soooo, even though I have been a busy knitter, my words are much fewer today. It's hard to talk and Zumba at the same time, after all! As we head into the home stretch for Thanksgiving, I hope that you are finding the time to do what you love!
Knit in Good Health!
Yay! for the fun shower and fun stuff for boys far away!
ReplyDeleteThe shower looks like it was so much fun! I need to get out to knitting sometime soon...