I went into the attic this week. I was looking for holiday decorations, and I discovered this stuff:
Pumpkins and a hay bale, made from leftover fleece for the Trunk-or-Treat event at church last year. Our car was a pun'kin patch last October. This year, well I have told a couple people, but I want it to be a little bit of a surprise this year, so I'm not sayin' here. wink! For now, these make great plush toys for Peanut!

I also discovered this week that I can create a bulky hat pretty quick if I hunker down and just do it. . .and here it is:
A red hat for Wifey-Poo, to match (hopefully) the scarf she got last year from Old Navy. It went fast, even though I did some cables! I think it turned out pretty well, and (apparently) Dolly Draft Dodger agrees.
By the way, Dolly Draft Dodger is an item that I crocheted long ago. . .I don't have any of the stats, it was before I was on Ravelry. I borrowed a crochet pattern book from a friend, and then I returned it. I searched the internets for a pattern or information to share with you, but unfortunately, I came up with very little.

Also unfortunate, while searching I came across some unsavory and unsafe websites! Who knew that "crochet pattern" was actually code for "I wanna find a new virus or trojan to infect my computer!"? Anyway, word to the wise, no matter what you are searching for, be cautious and surf safe on the world-wide web!
Something else I searched for this week was a toy company that I used to know and love. Home-based sales is generally how Discovery Toys distributes its quality products. I went looking for things for Peanut and her parents, based on my memories of the quality toys I had purchased from home parties when my own kids were small. This is what I ordered (and it arrived on Thursday!):
Sounds Like Fun CD (with songs on it that I am currently singing from memory to Peanut every time she is over, so she needs this, right?); Measure Up Cups (this is mostly for a bath toy right now, as Gramma and Grampa don't yet have a lot of bath toys, but we are working on it!); and Boomerings Links (great for attaching toys to the stroller/carseat, now that she has learned how to play "drop-it-to-see-if-they-will-pick-it-up" quite proficiently!). The links were the reason I sought out Discovery Toys online, these were the best ones I ever had for our kids, and I want only the best for Peanut!
Now that we have them, I can't wait to play! I'm a little bummed to find that I don't have a local consultant, I like to support good companies (and their home-based reps) when I can. . .for now, I suppose I will order online and just keep talking them up. They make great toys!

Lastly, I discovered on Thursday evening that I DO have a hope of finishing my Drift Cardigan at some point before the ice and sn*w start falling over our little corner of the world! Here is where I am on the fronts:
Quite a bit further than I was the last time I blogged them! I have started my armhole and neckline shaping, and I have overcome a couple of good-sized errors, but I am finally feeling as though I may indeed finish this sweater! Yay! Of course, that is provided that I don't have to drop it before I discover that Christmas is upon us. . .wait. . .ACKKK!!! CHRISTMAS IS RIGHT AROUND MY KNITTING CORNER!

Well, apparently I just discovered that Christmas is coming, faster than we ever think it will, it always seems to be making it's way 'round the bend, so I better get to the knitting! Sorry to sign off so soon, but I'm sure glad you stopped by to say hello!
Knit (like-the-wind-for-Christmas) in Good Health!
I bet Peanut will have a blast with those pumpkins!