The Recovery Process
As sweet as the wedding was last Saturday (see "candy bar" preparations for reference):
. . .as sweet as it was, and as much fun as we all had at the rehearsal and wedding, the theme of this week seems to be RECOVERY. Recovery of the "hurty feet" which resulted from the too-high heels. . .recovery from the fog that has been my "wedding-brain" for the past 2 months. . .recovery from the flurry of activity that surrounds the days and moments just before (and during) the wedding and reception. . .recovery from EVERYTHING!
In the name of recovery, I have been putting my feet up and pampering them in handknit socks all week. Finally, a full week after 6-hours-in-heels, my feet are starting to feel normal again!
The brain is not so quick to recover. I have spent the better part of this week trying to remember if I have paid all of our regular, monthly, household bills on time. . .trying to figure out how much spending we actually did over the past 6 months on this fabulous (and totally worth it) party. . .and also trying to locate all of the things I had "put aside (somewhere?) until after the wedding!" Yes, I am still suffering slightly from wedding brain, but at least I can still calm my thoughts (and nerves) with knitting:
"What's next?," you ask? Well (with my feet up), I am planning some new pieces for the Pretty Knitty Jewelry shop, for starters!!! I am pretty excited about that, and the plan is to get some new pieces ready to list in September. Then I will DEEPLY DISCOUNT the pieces that have been there, to get a fresh new look in the shop!
Keep watching the blog for updates and information on special blog-reader discounts! Until then, thanks for stopping by! Oh, and Knit in Good Health!
There's nothing better than knitting to relax and recover! I'm glad my wedding is over too, because now I can get back to knitting...yay!