I love the original Willy Wonka! I mean, I like the new one with Johnny Depp, too (is there anyone out there who can resist Johnny Depp?, really?), but there is nothing quite like the classics when it comes to movie wisdom! And that picture up there about sums it up for me, especially this week. You see, this is the week that I have to finally admit that I fried a computer. All the files that are precious to me are on an external drive, safely backed up, but sometime last Thursday I lost all my Internet Favorites. . .and quick links. . .and my computer went to live with our Computer Guy for a while.
Don't get me wrong, I clearly have access to other computers. I think I have all of my software disks, and all of my important data will be restored. . .eventually. In the meantime, I just feel like I am in limbo. . .like the whole Computer Universe has it in for me. . .and I live in fear of frying the next machine - Oh!, Woe-es Me!!! How could this happen???
Note: Scarlet O'Hara moment now concluded. On to the knitting. . .Hooray! The knitting is ALL GOOD!
Exhibit One: New knitting pattern.
New, very rough draft of knitting pattern for a shawl, born of the desperation of a group of moms whose kids decided to stand for something and joined the military. . .while our country is fighting a war. . .in a very far away place. I belong to a group of these most amazing women over on Ravelry, and we talk about remembering to breathe quite a bit. You see, when your kid is over there, or getting ready to go over there, or on his/her way back from over there, you forget about the breathing. You wring your hands, you check their Facebook, and you try to go on. Some of us have sought out other moms online, and we remind each other to Knit 1, Breathe 1 (K1, B1) as a way to get through the toughest of emotions. I love these ladies, and I am so glad to have found them. And we have decided that the "B1" stitch is actually "YO, s2kp, YO" in knitting terms. We are going to do a knitalong, starting May 15, and this is the first draft of the lace pattern for a triangular shawl. We do pretty good work!
Exhibit Two: FO in Crochet Hearts
While I wait for May 15 to start on that KAL (I know, who am I kidding? I probably will not wait that long!), I have finished an afghan. This is just a piece of the project. . .gift and all that, there should be some element of surprise, and I don't know if the recipient reads my little knitting (crochet on this one!) blog.
Exhibit Three: The Socks that I LOVE to Hate!
Don't get me wrong, I clearly have access to other computers. I think I have all of my software disks, and all of my important data will be restored. . .eventually. In the meantime, I just feel like I am in limbo. . .like the whole Computer Universe has it in for me. . .and I live in fear of frying the next machine - Oh!, Woe-es Me!!! How could this happen???
Note: Scarlet O'Hara moment now concluded. On to the knitting. . .Hooray! The knitting is ALL GOOD!
Exhibit One: New knitting pattern.
New, very rough draft of knitting pattern for a shawl, born of the desperation of a group of moms whose kids decided to stand for something and joined the military. . .while our country is fighting a war. . .in a very far away place. I belong to a group of these most amazing women over on Ravelry, and we talk about remembering to breathe quite a bit. You see, when your kid is over there, or getting ready to go over there, or on his/her way back from over there, you forget about the breathing. You wring your hands, you check their Facebook, and you try to go on. Some of us have sought out other moms online, and we remind each other to Knit 1, Breathe 1 (K1, B1) as a way to get through the toughest of emotions. I love these ladies, and I am so glad to have found them. And we have decided that the "B1" stitch is actually "YO, s2kp, YO" in knitting terms. We are going to do a knitalong, starting May 15, and this is the first draft of the lace pattern for a triangular shawl. We do pretty good work!

While I wait for May 15 to start on that KAL (I know, who am I kidding? I probably will not wait that long!), I have finished an afghan. This is just a piece of the project. . .gift and all that, there should be some element of surprise, and I don't know if the recipient reads my little knitting (crochet on this one!) blog.
These were my In the Mood Socks, but as I finished sock #1, I realized that I really hated knitting it. (Note: The pattern is well written, easy to follow, I just don't like it. Good designer, good design, just not my taste, apparently.) This does not happen often, but I disliked it so much that I did not want to even start the second, and I didn't feel like trying on the first. Whoa, Baby! This was a new emotion for Pretty Knitty! But, as I always say, "There are no wrong emotions. Feel what you feel and move on," so I did. I ripped out the bind off at the cuff, and I started a plain-vanilla sock, toe-up. I have not decided what heel to work, but I have a few rows until I get there, so there's time. And, I am just gonna knit from sock to, well, sock! Here's the very start from yesterday morning: