Well, I decided to enter the Ravelympics 2010 on Ravelry. I have a spindle and some roving, so my first event will be the Flying Camel Spin, wherein I will attempt to teach myself to spin fleece into yarn. I have from the lighting of the torch (2/12) until midnight on Feb. 28th. Contemplating that 16 days, I thought that I should enter a second event as well. I decided on the Sweaterboard Cross (all sweater knitting in adult sizes fits into this event), and I started to dream of the project and drool over patterns.
Now, I know what I want the sweater to look like, and feel like, so how hard can picking a pattern be? Well, harder than you might think (that explanation provided especially for my. . .ahem. . .non-knitting friends!) So, I never did find the perfect pattern. Still, I am entering the event. I figure that I know enough about general sweater construction that I can work with a simple sweater generator from Knitting Fool that I love, and come up with something I like. . .I did it with the Mockery, after all!

In the meantime, I have one sock of my tail-chasing pair finished, and the other is half-way to the heel on the leg portion. Doesn't that sock look cool?!?
And I started College Girls second pair of legwarmers, so there is no shortage of knitting at Pretty Knitty's house. Situation normal. Now I am off to work on some counters for the shop, then off to stitch in bliss. . .!
Knit in Good Health!