No, Pretty Knitty has not lost it totally. . .yet. She knows that there is only ONE WEEK until the Big Day. This post is simply part of the explanation as to why the gingerbread is not baked, the presents not bought and the candies not made and packaged up for giving. . .yet
You see, Two Weeks Before Christmas, this is where Pretty Knitty sat:
In the passenger seat, with parts of puppies on Pretty, there wasn't much room for knitting. There wasn't much room for anything. . .well, except napping!
Oh, there was awake time, too. . .
. . .but mostly napping!
You see, Army Boy and Wifey-Poo (and Puggle and Beagle, the granddogs) had come "home" for the Thanksgiving holiday, and Wifey-Poo and the puppies had stayed on for a baby shower, since our lovely daughter-in-law is expecting! Of course, that means that she and "the girls" needed a ride back to their state after the shower, and also that the parents-to-be had a lot of nuts and bolts to figure out in setting up the Nursery! Grampa to the rescue! Sweetie and I spent most of last Friday shopping with Wifey-Poo and putting together furniture (which, by the way, is be-a-u-ti-ful!).
After the literal nuts and bolts were all connected, Mom-to-Be put her own finishing touches on everything, arranging tiny pink clothes and blankets "just so"!
The beagle approves! (The puggle would also approve, but I am sure that she was off napping somewhere. . .that dog takes a LOT of naps!)
When it was all said and done, it was truly a work of art. . .
. . .and our granddaughter will have a lovely space to start off in! We are thrilled!
Of course, after all of the shopping and assembly, Army Boy and Sweetie had to take a break to play some golf!

I did get to knit some in the evenings at the kids' apartment, but mostly my knitting was in the car on the way home. . .where I finished sock one of the December Sa-Weet Socks. Unfortunately, I am not too far into sock two yet, because I got side-tracked by another project. After all, when you are visiting someone in another state, and she asks you to make pink mittens with a flap-top, and she takes you to a store to get the yarn, and then she picks out just the right pink. . .well, you know what I had to do!
So, the mittens are finished (and they are not a secret), and the scarf has been started! I love this mitten pattern (it's mine!), and this is a really nice wool blend, I believe it's a Hobby Lobby brand. The scarf is a hybrid of a couple of patterns, and I am also loving it!
So, that's where I was Two Weeks Before Christmas. Today, I am still trying to decide what will get done, and which items I will not get to before next Saturday. Then I have to figure out which end is up! I hope that you are where you want to be in your holiday preparations, but either way, I hope that you will have some time to Knit in Good Health!