Yeah, that's right, I said it. . .that should totally be a reality TV show. . .for knitters!
Keeping up with my part of the show, here is waht I have recently Kast on:
Headline News cabled newsboy cap in Nashua Handknits Creative Focus Superwash (some hand-dyed by me) from
SNB Nation for my daughter's collection as she "heads" off to college in the fall. . . (btw, this has also been bound off ;-) !)
Groovy Socks in Sockin' Socks yarn, cast on as a way to pass time in the car and at the Freshman Orientation/Registration event for above-mentioned daughter. . .

Another baby sweater (in the Tamaty Tweed left over from my
Hey, Teach!) from the sweater wheel pattern generator at
KnittingFool. . .

And an
Everlasting Bagstopper, from
Knitty, in a 50/50 hemp/wool. . .

Wow! I have a pretty good case of the Kastonagains. . .at least for me! Haha! I am glad to have my knitting meet-up tonight!
Knit in good health!
Wow I am TOTALLY impressed by you having so many projects cast on!!!