Saturday, July 28, 2018

God is Bigger

There has been no great tragedy or struggle this week. Everything has run pretty smoothly. Praise God! But even if there had been something, even something big...God is always bigger.

God is bigger than a bread box, bigger than a car, bigger than a house, and bigger than anything going on in my little life. I am so thankful for that. There is a song, I think Bob sings it, Bob the tomato that is...the song is called God Is Bigger Than the Boogie Man, and I am thankful for this truth as well. After all, if God is bigger than the Boogie Man, he is bigger than anything I worry about.

He is also bigger than anything I celebrate. God is bigger than a fat paycheck, a new and exciting job opportunity, another birthday or even a brand-new car!

Life without God is small, moving from milestone to milestone, worrying that there may not be enough, or that you might not have enough...or that you may not be enough to get to the next marker. Whether you follow Jesus or not, we all have these same worries... But with God, we know that all things are possible.

That is not to say that you will not have struggles if you follow Jesus, or that you will have everything you want. However, what you will have, when you have a working relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...what you will have is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. What you will have, even when you think you do not have enough money, or time, or stuff, is peace that passes understanding.

When you walk with the Lord, the one true God, what you will have is the blessed assurance that eventually, you win! You get to heaven, where you finally have enough of everything, all the time...where you no longer have to worry about what you should do, because all you want to do, all you have to do is praise God around the clock (if there are even clocks in heaven, but I choose to believe there are not).

When Heaven is the end game, this life looks different. I am free to love, free to give and free to be the masterpiece I was created to be. And I am free to dream.

The "blessed and only almighty God, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords" (1 Timothy 6:15) is bigger than I can even imagine, so I choose to dream big. Praise God!

Oh, and God is even bigger than my yarn stash, which is something I seriously need to start controlling, but that is a story for another day. If you do not know God, today is as good a day as any to meet him. If you do know him, then perhaps you should also learn to knit. It is never too late for either one, as long as you are breathing. I promise.

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit (or learn to knit) in Good Health!

(Check these out: Matthew 19:26; Galatians 5:22-23; Philippians 4:7; John 3:16)

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