Saturday, November 4, 2017

Three Black and Whites

When I get ready to blog each week, I first have a decision to make. Will I start with photos, or with a general idea? Usually I have an idea, and I always have a multitude of pictures and words to work with. Regarding those words, I am often convicted by a certain Bible verse which states, "Where words are many, sin is not absent." (Proverbs 10:19). I have many, many, many words, and I often struggle to not use them all in one sitting. But I know that there is likely no one out there prepared for that many words at the same time. Besides that, the more I talk, the more likely it is that I will say something silly...or sinful.

This past week has been no exception. There have been so many events and emotions that I could go on and on about how the world has wronged me. I could talk about the people who have offended me (intentionally or not), or I could lament the many opportunities I have missed. If I did that, however, I would most certainly sin by spreading gossip (intentionally or not), speaking harshly or saying something that would offend a friend or acquaintance. 

Therefore, I am choosing the photos today. No conflict...just coffee.

No catastrophe...just cat.

No yelling or yammering...just yarn.

And a sunrise reminder that God's mercies are new every morning because of his great faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Thank you to all of you doing the 7 black and white photos, no people, no explanations on social media. Even though I have only done 3 today (and one in color), your simple yet striking photos have inspired me to calm down, to be eager to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19). This is a good thing for all of us to do!

Today I am taking the high road with my words. I am also asking God's forgiveness (again) for the times this week that I have used those words in ways that were neither constructive nor encouraging. I know that I have complained about situations and people, despite knowing that I've really got it pretty good overall. Thank you, Jesus, for the sacrifice you made that covers my sin. (John 3:16) I am made perfect only in you, in your timing, and not in this lifetime. While I am here, among the very people you love most, please keep watch over my mouth (and my blog) to keep me from sinning with my words. Amen!

I hope your words are encouraging this week, and that you also receive words of encouragement in return. Words are just one of many opportunities to love one another well (or not), so I will pray that we will all use them carefully.

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!


  1. Your words this week were an encouragement to me. I struggle with the same things too. Did I say too much, not enough? But one thing is for sure. God reloads our benefits daily (Psalm 68:19). Many times I have to remind myself "more of Jesus, less of me". Thanks for your uplifting post.

    1. Thank you Patty! I am so thankful for that daily reload, and that you were encouraged!
