Saturday, July 9, 2016

Peeking in the Window

This is the window I sit next to with my coffee on the average morning. Today is no different. I woke up early, because I can't help it. It is Saturday, so I got dressed, brushed my teeth and started a load of laundry before I made my coffee. Again, standard operating procedure. Also standard operating procedure, at least when this window is open, the cats have beaten me and my coffee to my favorite! 

I know why they like it here. This is a great place to listen to the birds sing, while quietly watching what is going on in the neighborhood. Here you can find out what the sky looks like, what the air feels like, and what the day sounds I am almost outside, but there are no bugs, and this is a definite bonus. This is definitely a perfect place to pray, to think, to write and to knit, and this morning, I am taking advantage of all of that. 

Today is a busy day for me. Later, I will be attending a couple of gatherings to commemorate my 30th high school reunion. I won't lie, this makes me a little nervous. Because I have been very transparent online, both here and on several social media sites through the years, this cannot be like when my parents went to a reunion. Although all of these people may not know my whole story, some definitely do, so I could never get away with putting on a fake self and making up a wonderful life.

Please don't get me wrong. I do have a wonderful life. But just like George Bailey, I often feel stuck in this life. My job is not glamorous. As a matter of fact, my current job isn't even permanent, and I have recently experienced some failure in the job department...but I do have a job. My body is not perfect, not even close, but I am mostly ok with that. I enjoy walking, I even tried running some years ago (which was slightly disastrous), and I like to exercise, but I also like bread, pasta and most other food. :) I mean, I love veggies and fruit and all the good stuff too, but I will occasionally eat a donut...maybe more than occasionally even. On top of that, I am generally too lazy to bother with makeup. On a good day, I use a moisturizer with sunscreen. So, I am 48 and frumpy, but I am also pretty genuine. This is my real life, baby!

One more thing, my family is not perfect. My relationships are not perfect. Some might even say that none of it comes anywhere close to normal. But here's the thing: normal is just an ideal. My normal might be your idea of "one flew over the cuckoo's nest," and your normal might be my idea of insane, and that's ok. The bottom line is that I am ok with who I am. I am Pretty. I am 48 years old, and I am not perfect. I am married to my high school sweetheart, and I love him so much that I can't stand it, even though we have broken each other's hearts over and over through the last 29 years. I have two great kids, all grown up (one has given me two beautiful granddaughters), and they are not perfect, but we sure do love each other in this family!

Do you know what is perfect? Even with all this imperfection, and all of my shortcomings,  God still meets me where I am. Even though I occasionally suffer a crisis of conscience, or a wavering of my faith, his mercies are still new every morning (Lam 3:22-23), because his faithfulness is so great. So, here I will sit each morning, at the open window with the cats, my bible (or bible app), my coffee and some knitting. I will thank him for gentle breezes and bird songs which remind me that each day is a fresh start, full of promise, regardless of yesterday's failures. I will knit and pray, and I will thank God for his wonderful Gift to me. 

Do you want to see what I'm knitting this morning? (It is a knitting blog, after all!)

Two sweaters, for two girls I know. Not twins, but still close in age. I'm using yarns leftover from some twin knitting you may have seen in an earlier post, and I am pretty much ecstatic with the results! I can't wait for fall, to see all the little ones in their sweaters...I love kid knitting! 

As I finish up this post, it is about 8am. I've been up since 6, and I am well into my day. I hope that your day is a good one, and if I went to high school with you, I hope that I will see you at some point during the day today. In case I won't be seeing you, I hope that your day will go well, and that you are content in this life, even if it is not perfect. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit (and enjoy as much of this life as you can) in Good Health!

1 comment:

  1. my brother who is a retired minister says"shine under your own light".Don't compare yourself to others.We are all unique individuals.Enjoy your day.
