Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve

'Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...

Black Cat (interrupting): Which is a shame. We like mice. They are fun to chase. Oh, well...

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

White Cat: Wait a minute. Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute! This is not our story. This is, in fact, plagiarism. We don't even have a fireplace. (harumph!)

Here's our story:
The cats are unhappy, because there just are no laps...
No place to sit for our warm, winter naps.
The Pretties around here are nowhere to be seen, 
She said something about shopping, we're not sure what that means!
All we know is we're lonely, and our bowl is not full.
Sure, there's a few crumbs, but this is just bull-...

Pretty: Hold on there, White Cat! I don't think that's very fair, now. Do you?

White Cat: Fair? FAIR?!? It's Christmas! Give the cats what they want!

Pretty: Back up the Christmas train, there...what about these pictures of you ON MY LAP??? Aaand, I just filled your bowl, freshened your water...and isn't that your catnip mouse over there? Under the tree?

White Cat (climbing under knitting project): I don't think never give us good stuff.

Black Cat (whispering): I think it is...ooohhhhh! Ima get it!!!

White Cat: Don't be silly...wait. What? Did you hear that???

She's gonna get the catnip mouse...I gotta go!!!

Pretty: Well, Friends, it looks like we've lost the cats! They are so easily distracted, and I guess I am too...especially at this time of the year. I hope that you have finished what you need to finish for tomorrow, and that there will be some peace and quiet in your day today, before we face the crazy we all know as Christmas!

Now, here's a little musical message from Peanut and the Preschoolers:

Thanks for stopping by, and Merry Christmas Eve!

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