Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It's not Hammer-Time here...

It's Peanut-Time!!! Peanut is in town (with her parents)! So here's my apology for short and/or sporadic posting...I'm sorry. But some things are more important than long blog posts, and this dear one falls squarely into that "more important" category:

So, while there has been some knitting:

The "No pickers, Gamma!" shouts of our granddaughter have clearly taken over!

But really, who can resist taking "pickers" of that beautiful girl? Not this gramma, that's for sure! Sorry, kiddo...there will be pickers on my phone, pickers on my camera, pickers everywhere!!!!

I'll try to have more knitting next time, but I'm not making any promises...

Thanks for stopping by, friends! I hope you liked the pickers! =D


  1. Oh how fun! And she's got that pink thing down pat. Such a fun age! Glad you got to spend time together!

  2. My how she has grown! And I agree with you, pickers are mandatory.
