If you are bitten by a cat, even if it's your cat, and even if your cat has had all her shots, and she is a nice cat who had a bad moment with a strange dog in your house...if you are bitten by a cat, and the wound is deep, and you have asked your mother, and she has said, "I think you should go to the doctor, just to be safe..." Can you guess where I am going with this? Yes, I knew you would.
Snake and Dollface tried to rescue an energetic boxer puppy a couple of weeks ago, but it didn't work out. He was a very nice, and very energetic, and very muscular dog, and the cats did not know what to think. Well, they thought that this was the best place ever to stay for the dog's whole visit...
Dollface could only hold that pose for a few minutes, however, so eventually the cat had to get down. The dog was ready, the cat was scared, Dollface jumped in to protect her, and viola! Cat bite to the hand. Did she follow her mom's advice and go to the doc? Not at the time. It seemed to be healing. That was two weeks ago, and unfortunately the dog had to be returned.
Yesterday she called and asked if I would go with her to the doctor. She had made an appointment because the bite had swollen up again, and it was quite painful, way down deep-like. I knew what was coming, I've had infections. She knew what was coming, she had been trolling the internet. She wasn't ready when the doc cut into her numb hand, and she passed out, but she came back around quickly. I certainly was not ready for the wave of nausea that proceeded my nearly passing out after she came to and the doc finished draining the wound, you know, at the "all clear" signal. The two of us were a hot mess, and we were pretty flustered for the rest of the day, but ultimately, they say that we are both gonna make it. And now Dollface has a battle scar to tell her children about someday. For now, it looks like this...

...and one day, if she has kids, and if one of her kids gets bitten by a cat, even if it is a nice cat, etc., etc., etc.,...I hope they listen to their mother when she says they should go to the doctor. It will save them so much pain and passing out!
Yesterday was a long, worrisome day. Today I am going to play with fiber and friends at
the farm. If he knew me, I am sure that Dollface's doctor would have written me a prescription for fiber fun following the day we had yesterday. I think I will spin some of this stuff...
...and perhaps there will also be knitting. I hope that you have a lovely Saturday, rain or shine, in your neck of the woods. Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health, friends!
And if you are ever bitten by a cat...well, by now I'm sure that you know the drill!