Saturday, October 12, 2024

Stick Season? Not quite...

It's not quite the 🎶 season of the sticks here, in northeast Ohio, but it feels pretty crunchy in our current state of drought. Even our wetlands parks are looking dry...

Despite the dry, it is still a beautiful autumn, with lots of green plants for our friends to hide in! Can you spot the praying mantis? He (or she?) certainly spotted us!

... and our mums are looking lovely on the front stoop, in the company of pumpkins! 

Temperatures are dropping, which made today the perfect day to bake an apple crisp...yumm!

It's also a great day for knitting. In fact, I've heard that today is I Love Yarn Day, something for knitters everywhere to celebrate! I think I'll celebrate by admiring the finish of three hoodie sweaters for three darling boys!

And perhaps I'll celebrate a bit more by casting on a new sweater for Pretty...I have three possibilities on my mind, but I'm not sure which to start: A Christmas cardigan or vest in green, with colorwork...

A pullover in cream and minis, inspired by Daisy Jones and the Six...

Or maybe something in blue?

Yeah, I dunno either. The only thing I know for sure is that it is too late to cast on for a Halloween sweater...which I was never planning on! 

Stick season is the perfect time to knit sweaters, so watch me now, hey! 🎵 Work! Work! I'll work the stitches, baby! Work! Work! Stitches driving me crazy! 🎶 🙃 Lol

Yeah, I love Ohio, and it's almost the 🎶 season of the, I suppose I'll turn up the tunes and get busy with my needles! I hope you'll sing along! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Unlikely Hymns

As I finished up my work day, heading to the ladies' room before locking up, a song 🎶 popped into my head: 

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! 
I did not wet my pants!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! 
Must have done the right dance!
I got to the potty in the nick of time, 
And I'm happy to say that my pants are still dry!

Those of you familiar with the hymn will recognize that these lyrics are fairly far-removed from the original...which is entirely on-brand for Pretty! The fact that the lyrics are new doesn't make my hymn any less of a praise, though, and I do regularly praise the Lord in small victories, as well as the big stuff. As a "woman of a certain age," not wetting my pants is occasionally a major victory!

I'm glad that I can praise the Lord in all things, and I'm glad that I can do all things through him who gives me strength! 

Like knitting!
And knitting makes my heart joyful, which is good medicine.

Knitting has brought joy and so many fun friends into my life, and friends increase joy, too! 

This weekend I'm spending time with some friends near the lake. 

Some of us enjoy a nice drink with dinner...

Some of us have matching pajamas...

...and all of us have knitting! 

So, praise the Lord! for dry pants, and a Lakeside weekend with friends, patio donuts and knitting...among other things. 

What's making you happy this Saturday? I hope it's something you can share with friends, because laughter multiplied increases joy exponentially! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Porch with knitting (where are the knitters?)
There they are!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday Stills

A series of stills on this Saturday...though some of my subjects stay still for mere seconds:

Super yummy Saturday scones and cookies!
Shave and a haircut, two-bits!
Peace and goodwill to all.
Julie and I knit the same sweater! 
A splash of red sweater just
slipped off my needles.
Apple picking last Sunday was fun!

Patient leaf, waiting for pickers to park
5 fingers, 2 apples, one fuzzy Pop Pop
Boys! Not still at all, save for pictures!
It was sunny and HOT last Sunday!
Love those leaves...
They just keep growing, growing, growing! 
Our little haul. I'm baking today! 
Required Family Photo "on the bus."
And goats. Because...goats!
That's all I've got today, but I'm still snapping stills! I hope your Saturday is as good as it can be. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Pumpkins Out!

Pumpkins on the porch...

On the counter...

With the neutral, gnitted gnome...

Even in the creamer in my fridge!

Every fall, I have great plans to do pumpkin things...Jack-o-lanterns, puree, soups, roasted I get a bi-i-i-i-ig pumpkin (or two, or three), and pop 'em onto the porch (sometimes with knitted friends) to greet people. 

Oftentimes, this is as far as I get before some critter starts nibbling on my gourd...

But this year? This year I've procured pumpkins a-plenty! If all goes according to the pumpkin plan, I'll be seeding and roasting the first one with hopes of pumpkin puree for all the recipes...YUMMM!

If my day goes sideways after blogging...well, there's always tomorrow. 

No. Wait. Tomorrow is for apple picking, and I can barely wait...what should I do with the apples, friends? 

Fall is a wonderfully busy time, and I hope you are finding fun, fall things to do with your family and friends. Maybe your life is full of Pumpkin Spice-y fun? Drop me a comment about what you're doing these days! 

When the sun goes down, it's the perfect time
of year for outdoor movies and snuggles!
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Following Directions?

When you have a thing that needs to be put together, are you more likely to look at the directions or just try to wing it? It probably won't surprise you to learn that I like to read - and follow - the directions...most of the time anyway! With knitting, well...sometimes I get a little cocky with knitting. 

Recently, I picked up a pattern for a toy that was knit flat and seamed, but my plan was to knit "in the round," avoiding the need to sew all of the pieces together in the end. Having done this many times before, I felt fairly confident, until I stuffed this blob (that looks NOTHING at all like a parrot), and set it down to figure out what I had done wrong. 

This pattern, as many before it, starts with "make two" in the instructions for the head and body. In error, I assumed this meant that the two pieces would be stitched together in the end, so I cast on double the stitches, joined to work in the round, and worked every row of directions twice. This is standard operating procedure in the world of toy knitting, but it was not giving me anything remotely resembling the pic in the pattern!

I was making a parrot, not a chubby chick! Did I possibly only need to make one? Ding! Ding! Ding! Yes, as it turns out, this pattern pictured two parrots (same bird, different main colors), and it was telling you to make double the pieces at every step. If I had knitted the pieces flat, at the end, I would have had enough parts to piece together a pair of parrots. So I ripped out the round one, and started over. By the time I knit only one beak and sewed it on, my knitting was was starting to look like the photo!

I was a little sad that I had lost so much time in my misinterpretation of the instructions, but I was also well on my way to one lovely bird! As I added crest feathers, claws and the whites of the eyes (don't shoot!), I was eager to move onto the wing feathers...and today, I have that bird finished! I would have finished it yesterday, but I have a stupid job...

For the record, I love my job. I have been created for the type of job I have, and I don't know what I would do if I did not work in an office someday...but some days, I'd still rather knit. Luckily, yesterday was Friday, and since then, I have finished a flock of feathers...

He seemed very curious about the feathers and appeared to be looking in their direction, but without pupils...well, I'm not sure what he thought about that!

Triumphantly, before blogging today, I did manage to whip together wings and lace some lashes onto that bird, and now he is complete! A Parrot Pal (singular) to be loved by a boy whose favorite animal is a...mongoose! 

No! His favorite animal is a parrot, Sillies! It's a parrot for a parrot-loving boy! I'll post pictures when they are together at last (his birthday is next month). Just for kicks, I've also made him a parrot hoodie...isn't that fun?

For what it's worth, I didn't exactly follow the directions on that either, but I was probably closer than the parrot! And how cute is this little guy on the shoulder?

Oh, I am looking forward to this birthday, and to the next couple also! So many directions to follow, but I think I can...I think I can...I think I can... 

How are you at following directions? Would you rather improvise? Whatever your answer, I hope you have what you need by the end of the project!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!