Saturday, September 2, 2017

I Need A Nap

My granddaughters are 6 years old and 2 years old. God bless their mommy and daddy! The six-year-old has not taken a regular nap for some time, but she will still occasionally succumb to the siren song of a midday snooze on a particularly busy day. The two-year-old still needs a daily nap, but she often stubbornly refuses. I am sure she does not get this from her Gramma...

This grandmother has found that a daily, afternoon nap, even if only for a few minutes, is most welcome! In fact, there was a time that I was napping at will, at my desk, at home, at anywhere. Very recently, however, the naps and the nighttime sleeps, are eluding me. =^/ I am getting a LOT of reading done, but the bags under my eyes are growing, and it is increasingly difficult to focus on my knitting. I need a nap!

Alas, as long as I cannot nap, let the gift knitting begin! Of course, I cannot show you any of it until it is gifted, but rest assured that the Christmas knitting has begun! Maybe this year I will actually be ready for the holidays when they arrive. I have many great ideas for those girlies, whether they are regularly napping or not!

For now, I leave you with this sock. It does not yet have a mate, or even a toe, but it will. Someday soon it will even have a foot to belong to! Until then, let us just marvel that I was able to knit a bleary-eyed sock, without a nap.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you get a nap today, and that you will Knit in Good Health!

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