Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pocket Pals to the Rescue!

And Pocket Pals are fun. . .although they are far different than “pocket pool,” but I digress. . .already in the first sentence. I guess I digress a lot these days. I’m feeling scattered in everything from work to knitting. It’s just the season, I guess. . .Graduation Season, that is! My youngest will graduate from high school this Saturday, and she will leave for college in the fall – close-ish to home, but she moves out nonetheless. It makes me kind of nostalgic.

I have caught myself daydreaming in grand form, dwelling on romanticized memories of when my “nest” was full with two tiny ones. Of course, it’s easy to remember the good and the great times. . .even though I know there were hard times, they are not my favorite memories, so I usually don’t dwell there long. This is a strange new world my Hubby and I are moving into. . .we will soon be “Empty Nesters” – (cue dramatic chords) dum-dum-dummmm!

I have seen this coming for some time, our oldest got married last summer, after all! But still, I don’t know if it will truly hit me until she actually takes flight. In the meantime, everything just keeps going forward in an almost surreal fashion. Is it really true? Am I really old enough to have two “grown” children? Hmmm, I guess so.

For now, I will keep on keepin’ on. I continue to knit and craft and play with the itty-bitty ones at church, making toys and sweaters for them. My sweater (to wear to the June wedding) is coming right along, though I have no new pics of the Lacy Ribbed Top to show, and I throw in a "little something extra" project every now and again.

Oh, I do have a picture of three of the little something extras! Here they are:

Until next time, live each moment fully and knit in good health!